Why Reviews Matter

May 03, 20243 min read

Why Reviews Matter:

At Demand Wizards we rely on systems and proven methods to build a solid reputation foundation that’s based on what your clients believe is most important for local businesses.


Reliability (27%)

Expertise (21%) 

Professionalism (18%) 


Great, so now that we know what your customers are looking for, as a marketer this should be easy, right?  Well…yes and no.  The truth is that over the past 10 years with the explosive growth of new media channels we’ve become somewhat immune to all the slick marketing messages flying by us all day.   We want proof! Show me! In other words, show me the reviews.  And what do you think people highlight in reviews most of the time? You guessed it - Reliability, Expertise, and Professionalism.  


And here’s a few good reasons why it matters:


72% say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more


Customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with “excellent” reviews


70% of online searches go through Google.  


Doesn’t it make sense then to put a focus on optimizing your reviews on such a prominent platform.  Here’s the hard truth; If you don’t have good reviews, you’re losing business. Period. Don’t wait another day before you work on your reviews.


Remember that’s one of the reasons you have set up Demand Wizards and rest assured we’ll set this up to get you on your way ASAP if we haven’t already!  NOTE - If this was not set up during your initial onboarding call please be aware we will be contacting you to ensure this is set up and working for you in the background to generate positive reviews.


BUT before we move on you need to know that getting the reviews is not enough, 53%  of customers expect businesses to respond to their online review within seven days. (shameless plug - that’s why we integrated those reviews into your LeadConnector App.)  It will be your responsibility to respond to reviews when they come into your LeadConnector App or they show up in Conversations on your Dash-Board.  You got this and we’ll be looking over your shoulder to make sure ; )

Ok one more thing most people won’t tell you but we will - everyone gets a not so good review once in a while.  The trick is to know how to reply.  


When you receive a negative review:

  • Respond Promptly

  • Be real and admit your mistakes

  • Correct inaccuracies

  • Highlight your strengths

  • Write like a person, not a corporation

  • Once you’ve responded online Take it offline

  • Provide responsible solution if it’s warranted

  • Be consistent


When dealt with promptly and professionally a negative review can show potential customers that you’re human and care about your customers satisfaction through open and transparent action.  The good news is that with our system, your business will have a steady stream of positive reviews and the not so good one or two will be buried at the bottom.

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Peter Ettenborough

After leaving a 7 year stint with Reebok International in 1999 I dove head first into the world of digital marketing. It was the new the frontier that was destined to change Main Street America forever. While it didn't exactly live up to all the claims (thankfully), it certainly did change a few things along the way. With 23 years of hands on experience working with some of the worlds largest brands, the take aways and insights I've been able to accumulate are what I will share here. My learnings are meant to be consumed for the benefit of the local business owners, who when truth be told are the ones who supply the goods and services to most of America. My hope is that our technologies when delivered in the proper doses can ultimately enhance our lives so we can effectively use the one thing we crave most - FREE TIME.

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