The Importance of “The Chase”

May 03, 20242 min read

The Importance of “The Chase”


There’s a little secret in the world of sales that people rarely talk about. While you can get a ton of information on how to market to an audience, and there is a plethora of options for training on how to conduct sales meetings, the ONE thing everyone fails to focus on is the CHASE.


The chase is that incredibly difficult gap between marketing and sales.


As a veteran of the sales game, I know this all too well. Marketing will deliver me ‘leads,’ but those leads don’t just show up in my calendar as meetings with people ready to buy. All I really have is contact information for someone that “kind of sort of maybe” has a bit of interest in what I’m selling.


That’s not a sales opportunity. I have to turn this lead into a sales opportunity! 


My number one challenge: connecting with the lead.


Just because that person indicated some sort of interest in my products or services doesn’t mean that they actually want to talk to a salesperson and buy something! It’s up to me as a salesperson to chase this person down until I get the opportunity to connect with them and determine if they are a real opportunity—now or in the long term.


Most salespeople completely fail at this. The statistics are incredible—somewhere between 10 percent and 50 percent of leads are never followed up on beyond the first call! Even professional salespeople are terrible at getting conversations started!


Jack Daly, one of my favorites sales trainers, says that “all things being equal, the salesperson that sells the most is the one that has the most conversations with qualified prospects.”


This is so obvious but so important. Most of you don’t have enough conversations because you are either not prospecting at all or because you are doing it wrong.


What would happen if you could speak with ten times the number of qualified prospects

each month than you currently do? What would that do for your business?! The answer is obvious: you would grow, and grow fast.


You’ve got to learn to get people on the phone so you can have more quality conversations.


That’s what the Chase Formula is all about.

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Peter Ettenborough

After leaving a 7 year stint with Reebok International in 1999 I dove head first into the world of digital marketing. It was the new the frontier that was destined to change Main Street America forever. While it didn't exactly live up to all the claims (thankfully), it certainly did change a few things along the way. With 23 years of hands on experience working with some of the worlds largest brands, the take aways and insights I've been able to accumulate are what I will share here. My learnings are meant to be consumed for the benefit of the local business owners, who when truth be told are the ones who supply the goods and services to most of America. My hope is that our technologies when delivered in the proper doses can ultimately enhance our lives so we can effectively use the one thing we crave most - FREE TIME.

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